Package com.allanbank.mongodb

Provides a Java driver for the MongoDB document store that allows asynchronous invocation of requests.

See: Description

Package com.allanbank.mongodb Description

Provides a Java driver for the MongoDB document store that allows asynchronous invocation of requests.

Package Layout / High Level Design

The com.allanbank.mongodb package contains the interfaces and basic classes that the client code will use to interact with the driver.

The com.allanbank.mongodb.bson package contains a strongly typed, immutable implementation of the BSON Specification.

In the com.allanbank.mongodb.client package are the implementation of the primary interfaces for the driver and support classes to convert Reply(s) from the server into a more user friendly format.

To facilitate constructing queries and the more complex commands to the MongoDB servers a set of support classes are provided in the com.allanbank.mongodb.builder package.

Exceptions (all inheriting from MongoDbException are located in the com.allanbank.mongodb.error package.

Lastly, the com.allanbank.mongodb.connection package contains the heart of the driver. Most users of the driver will not need to use any of the classes in this package.

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2012, Allanbank Consulting, Inc., All Rights Reserved

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