Package com.allanbank.mongodb.connection

Provides interfaces for managing connections to different MongoDB server configurations.

See: Description

Package com.allanbank.mongodb.connection Description

Provides interfaces for managing connections to different MongoDB server configurations.


Users should not need to directly use the classes within this package.


ConnectionFactory instances are responsible for creating and managing the state for a set of connections to MongoDB. Connection provides the basic interface for sending and asynchronously receiving replies from the MongoDB servers. Connection factories and connections are layered to achieve the desired interaction with the MongoDB servers.

The com.allanbank.mongodb.connection.bootstrap

package contains a ConnectionFactory that simply detects the type of MongoDB cluster being used and then delegates all future request to an appropriate delegate for the cluster type.

The com.allanbank.mongodb.connection.auth

package contains a ConnectionFactory that wraps another connection factory and ensures all requests are properly authenticated prior to being sent to the server.


package that knows how to manage connections to a replica-set configuration.

The com.allanbank.mongodb.connection.sharded

package that knows how to manage connections to a sharded configuration.

The com.allanbank.mongodb.connection.socket

package that creates a direct socket connection to the MongoDB server.

The com.allanbank.mongodb.connection.proxy

package contains base classes for ConnectionFactory and Connection implementations that delegate to another implementation.

The com.allanbank.mongodb.connection.state package contains support classes for state management.

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2012, Allanbank Consulting, Inc., All Rights Reserved

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