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1   /*
2    * #%L
3    * - mongodb-async-driver - Allanbank Consulting, Inc.
4    * %%
5    * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Allanbank Consulting, Inc.
6    * %%
7    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10   * 
11   *
12   * 
13   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17   * limitations under the License.
18   * #L%
19   */
20  package com.allanbank.mongodb;
22  import;
23  import java.util.List;
25  import com.allanbank.mongodb.bson.Document;
26  import com.allanbank.mongodb.bson.DocumentAssignable;
28  /**
29   * Interface to bootstrap into interactions with MongoDB.
30   * 
31   * @api.yes This interface is part of the driver's API. Public and protected
32   *          members will be deprecated for at least 1 non-bugfix release
33   *          (version numbers are <major>.<minor>.<bugfix>)
34   *          before being removed or modified.
35   * @copyright 2011-2013, Allanbank Consulting, Inc., All Rights Reserved
36   */
37  public interface MongoClient extends Closeable {
39      /**
40       * Returns a MongoClient instance that shares connections with this
41       * MongoClient instance but serializes all of its requests on a single
42       * connection.
43       * <p>
44       * While the returned MongoClient instance is thread safe it is intended to
45       * be used by a single logical thread to ensure requests issued to the
46       * MongoDB server are guaranteed to be processed in the same order they are
47       * requested.
48       * </p>
49       * <p>
50       * Creation of the serial instance is lightweight with minimal object
51       * allocation and no server interaction.
52       * </p>
53       * 
54       * @return A serialized view of the MongoDB connections.
55       */
56      public MongoClient asSerializedClient();
58      /**
59       * Returns the configuration being used by the logical MongoDB connection.
60       * 
61       * @return The configuration being used by the logical MongoDB connection.
62       */
63      public MongoClientConfiguration getConfig();
65      /**
66       * Returns the MongoDatabase with the specified name. This method does not
67       * validate that the database already exists in the MongoDB instance.
68       * 
69       * @param name
70       *            The name of the existing database.
71       * @return The {@link MongoDatabase}.
72       */
73      public MongoDatabase getDatabase(String name);
75      /**
76       * Returns a list of database names.
77       * 
78       * @return A list of available database names.
79       */
80      public List<String> listDatabaseNames();
82      /**
83       * Returns a list of database names.
84       * 
85       * @return A list of available database names.
86       * @deprecated Use the {@link #listDatabaseNames()} method instead.
87       */
88      @Deprecated
89      public List<String> listDatabases();
91      /**
92       * Restarts an iterator that was previously saved.
93       * 
94       * @param cursorDocument
95       *            The document containing the state of the cursor.
96       * @return The restarted iterator.
97       * @throws IllegalArgumentException
98       *             If the document does not contain a valid cursor state.
99       */
100     public MongoIterator<Document> restart(DocumentAssignable cursorDocument)
101             throws IllegalArgumentException;
103     /**
104      * Restarts a document stream from a cursor that was previously saved.
105      * <p>
106      * The sequence of callbacks will be terminated by either calling the
107      * {@link LambdaCallback#accept(Throwable, Object) results.accept(...)}
108      * method with <code>null</code> for both parameters or by calling the
109      * method with an error for the first parameter.
110      * </p>
111      * 
112      * @param results
113      *            Callback that will be notified of the results of the cursor.
114      * @param cursorDocument
115      *            The document containing the state of the cursor.
116      * @return A {@link MongoCursorControl} to control the cursor streaming
117      *         documents to the caller. This includes the ability to stop the
118      *         cursor and persist its state.
119      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
120      *             If the document does not contain a valid cursor state.
121      */
122     public MongoCursorControl restart(final LambdaCallback<Document> results,
123             DocumentAssignable cursorDocument) throws IllegalArgumentException;
125     /**
126      * Restarts a document stream from a cursor that was previously saved.
127      * 
128      * @param results
129      *            Callback that will be notified of the results of the cursor.
130      * @param cursorDocument
131      *            The document containing the state of the cursor.
132      * @return A {@link MongoCursorControl} to control the cursor streaming
133      *         documents to the caller. This includes the ability to stop the
134      *         cursor and persist its state.
135      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
136      *             If the document does not contain a valid cursor state.
137      */
138     public MongoCursorControl restart(final StreamCallback<Document> results,
139             DocumentAssignable cursorDocument) throws IllegalArgumentException;
141 }